
Why you should never miss condoms in your lovemaking sessions?

  • Published on April 29, 2022
  • 15 minutes read
Why you should never miss condoms in your lovemaking sessions?

Want an exotic sexual experience with your partner? Of course, every couple wants to have a rocking sex life. To make it happen, they integrate new and fun things in their relationship such as different-sex positions, sex at various places and corners, etc. This is all to keep the freshness and excitement ignited.

However, another sex essential that you must not miss during intercourse is condoms. Whether you prefer lubricated, ultra-thin or dotted condoms, make sure to carry them for protection from unwanted infections and to spice things up under the sheets.

No matter if you are a beginner or an experienced couple, this safety measure is for all. Still not convinced and want some more compelling reasons to believe? No problem, we have covered some potential reasons for you to make the right choice and practice sex delightfully with health benefits and pleasure.

3 Amazing benefits of using condoms

Condoms help prevent pregnancy and other infections

"A safety layer to keep pregnancy woes away"

There is no denying that condoms help in preventing unwanted pregnancies and STDs. This is the sole reason why many couples consider condoms during intercourse. However, the effectiveness totally depends upon the usage and fitting of the user. To reap maximum benefits, here are some points to keep in mind.

  • No double bagging.
  • Check the expiration date as expired condoms will not provide any protection.
  • Keep it safe and in a cool place.
  • Buy the right size condom.
  • Do not reuse condoms.
  • Always leave 1 to 2 centimetres of space at the tip for proper ejaculation.

You can even use lube to reduce friction in a condom, because friction is what causes condom failure or breakage. Hence, getting a lube can be of great help in averting such consequences. If the aforementioned points are practised efficiently, condoms effectively help in preventing pregnancies and other infections.

Condoms can be sexy and pleasurable

Who says condoms are only a safety measure? Though, protection is important, but also is pleasure, don’t you agree? Condom is a contraceptive that provides protection from STDs, UTIs and pregnancies along with giving you immense gratification. Today, there are different types of condoms flooding the market. From various flavoured condoms to stamina or 3 in 1 condom, options are limitless.

They make sexual intercourse last longer by delaying the climax.

Condoms don’t cost much and are unbelievably convenient

Condoms are economically feasible’, and are super easy to get from a nearby medical store. They are even available online at different websites. You can explore multiple ranges of condoms online and buy them from there or ask your local medical shop for the same. So get home a contraceptive for fun and safety at a considerable price and ace your sex life tension free.

Furthermore, just make sure to buy branded condom-like Manforce Condoms. They offer quality products for the best protection, assurance and reliability to have exhilarating intercourse. You can also try them if you haven't before to unravel a whole new world of pleasure in the lovemaking sessions.

Disclaimer This blog solely intended for the educational/informational/awareness purposes and is not a substitute for any professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your doctor/healthcare professional before acting on the information provided on the blog. Reliance on any or all information provided in the blog, is solely at your own risk and responsibility. Mankind Pharma Limited shall not be held liable, in any circumstance whatsoever.